Buddy Guy And Friends Entertain At Artpark Anniversary Show

8/1/2013 - Lewiston, New York - Another day and another Artpark concert but this time it was indoors at the Artpark Mainstage Theater, part of the forty year Artpark Anniversary celebration, to see the classic Chicago blues man Buddy Guy. We bought our tickets as soon as they went on sale for this one and had great seats in the second row center stage. The Mainstage Theater is a great indoor / outdoor venue. The opener was the Robert Randolph And The Family Band. They did a decent set that was well received by the small crowd. After a brief intermission Buddy hit the stage and ripped thru his opening tune of Damn Right I've Got The Blues. Dom managed to snag the first guitar pick that Buddy tossed out to the crowd. Having just celebrated his 77th birthday two days prior he showed he is still a master show man. After the first number the crowd serenaded Buddy with a happy birthday song. Buddy jammed some good blues tunes like 74 Years Young, Strange Brew and Boom Boom Boom. He walked thru the entire venue interacting with the crowd, jamming, singing and talking to the crowds delight. He was then joined by his prodigy special guest fourteen year old Quinn Sullivan. Quinn played a tribute original song about how he met Buddy Guy. Quinn showed he has skills and jammed. Buddy then brought out a local twelve year old kid, Hayden Fogle to jam. Hayden also jammed pretty good. The three jammed for a while and then Robert Randolph came out and joined them all for the final number. This was an entertaining show and we made contact with Buddy's backup guitarist after the show with the hope of maybe seeing Dom on that stage someday. A very entertaining show watching a blues legend.Slideshow
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