Exploration Of London Continues Including Knopfler At The O2 |
5/22/2015 - London, England - The London adventure continued today with another early morning trip to the pool at the Park Plaza Westminster London Bridge for a swim, sauna and steam to start the day. This included meeting one of the newest members of Parliament coming from Scotland to start his term. We had a pricy but good breakfast buffet at the hotel that included made to order omlettes. We started our exploration of London with the daily view of Big Ben right outside the hotel on the way to the Westminster Tube station heading to the British Museum. We were just about to enter the museum when for some reason everyone was evacuated from it, not sure why but we waited and were allowed to enter within a half an hour. We viewed some great exhibits here including the Rosetta Stone and pieces from ancient Egypt, Roman and British history. After the museum we walked to Denmark Street to check out the numerous music shops. This included finding the main Martin guitar distributor for all of the UK. They had a huge inventory of left handed Martins including a left handed Eric Clapton signature Martin which I had a blast playing along with some nice Martin twelve strings. After checking out the many guitar shops on Denmark Street we headed to the Seven Corners and down to the hustle and bustle of Covent Garden. We stopped and had an early dinner at the Shake Shack. After the early dinner we headed east to North Greenwich via the Tube for concert number two of the trip at the O2 Arena. The artist tonight was former Dire Straits lead man, Mark Knopfler. We arrived early at the O2 Arena and were impressed with the facility. It was a huge concert arena seating twenty thousand and was surrounded by a large number of restaurants and theatres all enclosed under the huge tent like structure. Knopfler came out promptly at 7:30 PM and played a great set of solo and Dire Straits songs. His band was excellent and played all kinds of guitars, mandolins and other stringed instruments. He played the classic Sultans of Swing, Romeo and Juliet and the extended jam on Telegraph Road. His licks were excellent and enhanced even more by some guitars with cameras on them. Another great concert at a nice venue. Tomorrow Clapton's last concert of seven at Royal Albert Hall can't wait ! 1 2 4 5 Slideshow | | <<<-   <-   ->   ->>> Mark Knopfler performs Telegraph Road at the O2 Arena in London, England on May 22, 2015
Mark Knopfler performs Sultans of Swing at O2 Arena in London, England on May 22, 2015
Mark Knopfler performs Romeo and Juliet at the O2 Arena in London, England on May 22, 2015