Good Day At Letchworth Wedding & Tedeschi Trucks II At CMAC |
8/16/2024 - Canandaigua, New York - My good day today started very early arriving home at 2:30AM from my Toronto road trip the day prior seeing Tedeschi Trucks Band at the Budweiser Stage an excellent performance. I slept a few hours and was up early to head to lovely Letchworth State Park for the wedding of a nice young couple. The groom was the son of a good friend and the wedding was held at the Glenn Iris Inn. It was a beautiful day and it was a lovely small ceremony overlooking the falls, followed by a nice reception at the Glenn Iris Inn. A nice time was had by all and we wished the couple the best on their Carribean honeymoon. Prior to driving to Letchworth, I went online to TicketMonster in the morning and found a single front row dead center ticket for the Tedeschi Trucks Band playing at CMAC today, so I picked it up. After the wedding, I hopped in my car and drove from Letchworth to Canandaigua to take in my second Tedeschi Trucks show in as many days, Bud Stage yesterday and now CMAC, front row! I entered a little early to CMAC being greated by an old Kodak work buddy who has worked at CMAC for years, grabbed my required RC Cola from concessions and headed to my front row seat at a soldout CMAC. The first act was Margo Price the same opener as the night prior. She did a good set essentially the same as the night prior, about and hour of country rock. Lot of energy and a good band. I received a rose from her at the end of her show that she literally dropped on my head and I gave it to the lady sitting next to me and told her it was from her husband, who was sitting next to her. Around 8:30PM same as last night, Tedeschi Trucks hit the stage and had an excellent two plus hour performance. They opened the show with Part Of Me. Susan Tedeschi did a great job on Angel From Montgomery / Sugaree with help from Gabe Dixon on keys. They performed their hit Anyhow with Susan again doing a nice solo and did the mandatory Derek and the Dominos cover with todays being a Derek Trucks jam filled Keep On Growing. Trucks and Band did a nice cover of the Allman Brothers Mountain Jam and closed the set with Show Me. Another great performance by Tedeschi, Trucks and their excellent band. They came out for a two song encore same as the night prior with Margo Price joining Tedeschi for Color of the Blues and both bands joined the stage for the finale of Leon Russell's Stranger in a Stange Land. Again another excellent performance at one of my favorite summer venues with one of my favorite bands and I was front row ! In a couple of days I get to do it one more time seeing them at Artpark, can't wait see you again soon.. Slideshow | | <<<-   <-   ->   ->>> Tedeschi Trucks Band perform Anyhow at CMAC in Canandaigua, New York on Aug 16, 2024
Tedeschi Trucks Band perform Angel From Montgomery / Sugaree at CMAC in Canandaigua, New York on Aug 16, 2024
Tedeschi Trucks Band perform Part Of Me at CMAC in Canandaigua, New York on Aug 16, 2024
Tedeschi Trucks Band perform Keep On Growing at CMAC in Canandaigua, New York on Aug 16, 2024